Friday, October 17, 2014

Pumpkin Patch 2014

A few weeks ago, we took a family trip to Apple Works, a local pumpkin patch and apple orchard. We had a great time checking out the animals, walking the trails, taking a train ride and picking out our pumpkins. Apple Works is the perfect setting for spending a fall day with family!

Checking out the small petting zoo

This girl loved looking at the animals!
Two cuties :-)
My peeps

They made the climb to the top of the haystack.
He loved driving the tractor!

Daddy and Georgia
Love these two!
A boy's gotta sit somewhere, right?
Oliver's favorite part of the whole day...a train ride with Mommy!
Such a beautiful place to spend the day!
Almost got them all looking...
It's never going to happen...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Georgia Kate is 8 Months Old!

Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (She finally gained weight...yay!)

Height: 30 inches

What she's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 6-9 month clothes

Eating: She nurses and eats solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is getting really good at eating "real people" food. She loves bananas, apple straws, waffles and cereal. She is finally off the reflux medication, and I have tried several times to reintroduce small amounts of dairy into my diet. Unfortunately, it did not end well for anybody. :( Guess we will wait another couple of weeks or so and try again.

Sleeping: She goes down around 7:30 pm and sleeps until 6:00 am when I wake her up to eat again. 

Special Tricks: Georgia is rolling all over the place, sitting up on her own and ALMOST crawling. She can go backwards and is working really hard on moving forward. She's almost there! The progress she has made in physical therapy is incredible! She is down to every other week now. She has also made a ton of progress with the helmet. We had follow-up scans done recently, and she showed an improvement of 3 mm (she started at 10.8 mm and is down to 7.7 mm). Our orthotist thinks she will be in the helmet for another 6-8 weeks. The goal is to get the difference in measurements down below 5 mm. She's well on her way!

Activities: Georgia's favorite activity is watching her brother. She pretty much thinks he's the funniest thing in the world. They love to play together...I always say she is going to be one tough chick as a result of all the rough-housing they do!

I can't believe what a big girl Georgia is becoming! Although she is incredibly impatient (and has a wicked set of lungs on her!), she is a sweet, happy girl. I love watching her personality develop!


Georgia Kate is 7 Months Old!

Big girl!
So happy!
Not so sure about this helmet thing :-(
Going for a ride in her brother's police boat!
Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz (We still are not sure why she isn't gaining weight...we have to go back for a weight check again in a few weeks. If she hasn't gained, we will probably have to start supplementing with formula.)

Height: 29 inches

What she's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 6-9 month clothes

Eating: Breakfast, lunch and dinner (like a real person!)...she nurses and eats solids. So far, she loves everything we've given her. She's getting really good at self-feeding too!

Sleeping: 7:45 pm - 6:00 am...she no longer nurses right before bed. She's a cinch to put down at night...give her a binky and her blankie and she's good to go!

Special Tricks: Georgia is getting SO close to sitting up on her own! She stills spends a lot of time on her belly and is getting much stronger and is able to hold herself up for much longer periods of time.

Activities: Georgia is very active. She loves to watch her brother and is interacting with him so much more these days. She is doing really well with her helmet and physical therapy. Hopefully, both of these will be a thing of the past very soon!