Height: 26 inches
What she's wearing: Size 2 diaper, 3-6 month clothes
Eating: Every 4 hours. She eats cereal with her bottles. She have also tried applesauce, but she's still not very interested.
Sleeping: She eats at 8:00 pm, and then she falls asleep until 6:00 am when I wake her up to eat again. We have been weaning her from the swaddler recently because she is like Houdini...it doesn't matter how tightly I swaddle her, she always manages to get at least one limb out. \
Special Tricks: Georgia is giggling all the time now. She has also rolled over one time (at the sitter's) but hasn't been interested in a repeat performance. She has also found her voice. She loves to shriek and babble. Her hands are always in her mouth, and occasionally she sucks her thumb.
Activities: Georgia is still loving her playmat, Bumbo seat (when her big brother gives it up for her!) and her exersaucer. She is a mover and a shaker so she prefers to stretch out and be able to kick and move around.
Georgia is developing quite the personality! She wants things when she wants them! It's been so much fun to watch how she and Oliver interact with one another. They definitely are smitten with each other...at least for the time being!

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