Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz (her weight gain has really slowed down, for some reason)
Height: 29 inches (she is crazy long!)
What she's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 6-9 month clothes
Eating: She nurses and eats solids for breakfast, lunch, dinner and at bedtime. She is still on the reflux meds and is NOT ready to be off them yet. I also tried to reintroduce a TINY (we're talking a tablespoon) amount of dairy into my diet, and it did not end well for anybody. :( Guess we will wait another month or so and try again.
Sleeping: She eats at 7:30 pm, and then she falls asleep until 6:00 am when I wake her up to eat again. She's completely weaned off the swaddler and mainly sleeps on her belly now. She loves to snuggle with her little blankie while she sleeps.
Special Tricks: Georgia still doesn't roll over very much, but she can. She is getting really good at reaching out, grabbing things and manipulating them with her hands. She is developing quite the personality and is incredibly impatient!
Activities: Georgia still spends almost all of the time on her belly. She continues to do weekly physical therapy to work on strengthening her arms and neck muscles. She still struggles to push herself up on her arms for long periods of time, as well as hold her head midline. She has definitely made progress since the beginning though!
Georgia and Oliver continue to be the light of our lives. It is so much fun to watch them interact, now that she is a bit older and more responsive. What a pair, those two!

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