Hey all...I know, 2 posts in 1 day. Who knew I had so much free time? Ha! Yesterday, I caught part of Oprah (again with the free time) and she had John Walsh as her guest...you know, the America's Most Wanted guy? Well, as some of you may know, his son was abducted and murdered many years ago. Since then, he has been a crusader for children's rights and tougher penalties for child abusers, sex offenders, etc. The law he got passed, The Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act, created the Sex Offender Registry. Well, unfortunately, that law is due to expire this July due to lack of funding. Since we obviously don't want this to happen, please go to the following link to send a form letter to your state senator and representative, letting them know that this law is important and you want it reauthorized. It literally takes 5 minutes. If the law is allowed to expire, there will no longer be an active Sex Offender Registry to track criminals from state to state. Don't you want to know who's moving in next door to your family?
http://www.oprah.com/article/oprahshow/20090220-tows-adam-walsh-actIf you have a blog, Facebook account, etc. please post this or direct them to my blog so we can get as many people as possible sending a letter. Thanks for your help!
GORGEOUS bathrooms...I feel like I'm looking at a spa's restroom! I love that blue color especially with the white...very classy! I can't wait to come see it in person! I caught that Oprah episode as well...I already sent the letter. Great minds think alike!!!