Friday, May 7, 2010

Milk and Cookies

Last weekend, I decided to try my hand at decorating cookies. I had oodles of leftover royal icing from my last cake decorating class and figured it would be a good way to use it up. I headed over to Annie's Eats (one of my favorite food blogs) to look for a sugar cookie recipe. I'm fairly certain I found the most delicious sugar cookies ever baked in the history of this planet...ok, that may be a slight exaggeration but seriously...TRY. THEM. NOW. I got wonderful compliments from my co-workers that they were better than cookies from a bakery. They really were that good.

Anyways, I made several spring-y shaped cookies for our moms for Mother's Day. Luckily, I had a few extras to keep the natives at work from getting too restless. Hey, they need their sugar...what can I say?

Here are a few of the cookies that made the cut for our moms. Please excuse the horrible picture. I'm working on my photography skills (actually I didn't even take this picture-ha!)...bear with me for another couple of years.

I found that I really like polka dots...don't judge.

All boxed up and looking pretty...

Of course, being the perfectionist that I am, I am not 100% happy with them, but for my first attempt, I don't think they're too bad. In fact, stay tuned. I am toying with the idea of creating another blog and possibly an Etsy shop (if I improve, that is). I'll keep you posted.
Happy Friday, and Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!


  1. They are beautiful cookies :) I'd love to see what you put in your etsy shop -- I could look on etsy for days!

  2. Aww...thanks, Bethany! I will let you know as soon as it is up and running. Don't you just love Etsy?? :)
