Monday, April 26, 2010

Grand Finale Cake

Tonight I had my final cake decorating class of Course 2. Next week, I move onto Course 3. Course 2 was a bit different than the previous one, in that we didn't make a cake every week. This time, we used everything we learned to make one grand finale cake. Here's a breakdown of the process...

First, I baked a simple yellow cake mix (I like Duncan Hines). Then, I leveled each layer.

I filled it with raspberry preserves...

plopped the layers together...

put on a crumb coat with buttercream icing made from scratch...

decorated it with flowers and birds made from royal icing and...
Voila! Here's my final cake!

Not too bad, huh?

1 comment:

  1. It's soooo cute! You and Jess came a long way to get here. It's way detailed. Congrats!
