Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

About 2 weeks ago, we got a huge ice storm here in Indianapolis. Schools were closed for 4 days, and it was difficult to get around the city. This was all good news for Hoosier because he LOVES the snow and cold weather, and luckily for him, his daddy was home to play with him outside.

He absolutely loves to roll around and play in the snow.

He spent a lot of time outside chasing frozen tennis balls and snow balls that Don threw for him.

I don't know why, but he always buries his face in the snow and ends up looking like this.

These pictures don't really do it justice, but we had almost 2 inches of ice. You could literally ice skate down the road.

After Hoosier is outside in the snow for awhile, it starts sticking to his curly fur, and he ends up looking like this.

Don't worry...we gave him a warm bath and melted all the ice with a hairdryer once he came inside.

Don also took him for a walk along the river a few days after the storm. Hoosier loves going for walks in the woods.

All in all, I enjoyed having 4 days off school, and Hoosier and I both loved having Don home with us! I guess Snowpocalypse 2011 wasn't so bad after all!

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