Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hoosier Update

I haven't posted much about Hoosier lately, and he definitely has had some things going on. First and foremost, he turned 2 last Tuesday! Happy Birthday, Hoosier!

He also had a buddy come to visit for a few days. Kona is actually his half-brother and belongs to a friend of mine. They were going on vacation so Kona came to stay with us. The dogs had a ridiculous amount of fun once Hoosier got over the fact that there was another dog at our house...he wasn't so sure about it at first. They followed me EVERYWHERE (actually Kona followed me and Hoosier followed Kona to make sure he didn't do anything to me), ran circles around the backyard, wrestled in the snow and slept together in our bed at night. They were too cute together. We're planning a reunion at Kona's house in March, when Don and I go to Vegas.
Here they are all tuckered out after a long day of running and playing (Hoosier is in the front, Kona is in the back). I love how they're all curled up on each other...

I just love this picture. I have no idea what they are looking at, but there was definitely something out there (Kona left, Hoosier right)...

After all the playing and wrestling Hoosier did with Kona, he was in dire need of a haircut. So today, he spent a couple of hours with his favorite groomer, Meagan. He must have had a lot of mats because she had to take off A LOT of fur. Doesn't he look so much more handsome though (as compared to the furry mess you see in previous pictures)?

A close-up of his floppy ears and fro...

Hoosier also had to take a little trip to the vet this week. We woke up on Thursday morning and Hoosier couldn't see a darn thing because his eyes were swollen shut! Poor guy had an allergic reaction to something...nothing a little antihistamine can't fix though. As you can see, he's entirely back to normal! Have a terrific weekend!

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