Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Night Out on the Town

Last night, Don and I had a date night at The Vogue in Broad Ripple. We went to see Paolo Nutini in concert. He was fantastic, but I ended up falling in love with the music of one of his opening acts, Matt Hires. He was terrific! I ran up to the booth like a teenager and bought one of his CDs (hey, at least I didn't buy a t-shirt with his name across my chest...I draw the line there). I listened to it all day today...or at least when my kiddos were at specials! I have attached my favorite song from each Paolo and Matt for you to check out below. Enjoy!

Here is a pic of Matt Hires...

And one of Paolo Nutini...

Now, if only I had actual pictures of them instead of stock photos...oh, that's right, I could since I saw them live except that my husband wouldn't let me take my camera. Ladies, you all know the conversation I'm talking about...the one where they convince you that you won't want to carry it but then you kick yourself later for listening to him. Yeah, that one...well, that's why I don't have real pictures, people. Not that I could have gotten any. I am pretty sure that I was the only person under 8 feet tall at the joint last night. Who knew there were so many giants in Indianapolis?! It was ridiculous! I felt like a sardine. I got so annoyed with people that I actually kicked the guy in front of me (yes, on purpose...it was not one of my finer moments) because he was standing on my foot for what felt like 5 minutes. I mean, come on! By the way, I truly think that women that carry suitcases as purses should not be allowed in clubs. Not only could I have stolen a whole lot of money, cell phones, makeup, etc. without anyone the wiser, most of those bags are bigger than me. What can I say? My little 5'4" self didn't stand a chance with the giants...both human and leather!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the second song.... I told Matt to come check this out b/c he loves singer/songwriters! Glad you two had a great night!

    I found a purse I love on Etsy too while I was trying to find the purse you love.....(actually there were several I'd use..ha)


    Ahh...shopping! We need to hit the lotto and go on a spree.
